Afro-Canadian Heritage in Resistance - Palimpsest Series
A series of works that explore cultural, social and spatial justice through artistic and architectural conservation. commemoration is enacted by means of studying the genocides of the settler colonial population on the Canadian Indigenous population and that which was meted out on the Jews in order to contextualized the broader injustices that today still affect Afro-Canadians at large.
Here, the works have been recognizing and historicizing the following events:
The Enslavement of Africans on Turtle Island, and the Caribbean
The Burning of Marie-Joseph Angelique in Montreal
The Removal of the Africville Community from the Halifax Landscape
From these events, it has been ascertained that there is an unparallel way in which the descendants of enslaved Africans in the Americas have been allowed to mourn, commemorate and live in peace without facing racism.
Method and Programs Used:
Hand Drawing
Project Status: Academic work completed. Possibility for Journal publication.